Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Black Turnout Key in Virginia for: The Wall Street Journal

So much has already been said about the 2012 election. We've seen the dissection of every facet of each candidates strengths, weaknesses and character in general. Some have even gone so far as to ask for birth certificates, college records, several years of tax returns and even DNA hair samples, well, maybe not all of those things, but you get the idea.

Here in Virginia, we've been inundated with fliers, political canvassers, mailings, signs, commercials and more. That said, I'll try to keep it short and simple.

The following images were made on assignment for the WSJ. I started my coverage in Virginia Beach, where voters, myself included, waited in line for up to four hours. From my hometown, after casting my ballot, I headed to the historically African American communities in the heart of Richmond.

After hopping from polling precinct to precinct WSJ writer Josh Mitchell and I ended up camping out with Obama supporters at the Die Teufel Club. The club is about to celebrate it's 75th anniversary and is located in the Jackson Ward district - an area that once boasted the nickname "Harlem of the South."

Our agenda was to report on the imporatnce of the African American communities and their key role in winning the swing state of Virginia.

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