Saturday, March 14, 2009

United Arab Emirates

Just a quick update...

Here's an outtake from a recent edit & update of a little essay on my website entitled 

Sorry that I don't have more to say or show but it's been slow around these parts lately -  at least visually. 

Don't get me wrong...

My life in general has been occupied with: 

1. Finding a flat
2. Skateboarding again! (after being off my board for 2 years due to a foot injury)
3. Kickin' it with my baby boy and his mama
4. Daydreaming
5. Waiting in traffic
6. Trying to sneak in a nap here and there
7. Reading about the demise of newspapers in the States
8. Hearing about my friends getting laid off
9. Missing my cats
10. Seeking the familiar in the unfamiliar
11. Planning a trip to London, Liverpool, The Netherlands and Paris
12. Shopping for a second hand stove and fridge
13. Smoking shisha with the boys at the Havana Club
14. Growing my beard & belly
15. Being pampered by the wife
16. Forever looking for a pair of black shoes 
17. Eating cotton candy
18. Following inspirational blogs
19. Thinking about family back home
20. Planning my trip to Arizona for some burritos, tattoos and perfect light

All for now, be good and keep on keepin' on. 

1 comment:

Robert said...

Hi Rich,

Nice way to past the time, however, as I scrolled down my eyes got hurt by the word "tattoo." Not again, are you serious? Your cats are all right and they told me to relay this message to you--"do not skate or we will escape from this house and never to see you again."